
CEH: Gathering Host And Network Information | Scanning


It is important that the information-gathering stage be as complete as possible to identify the best location and targets to scan. After the completion of  footprinting and information gathering methodologies, scanning is performed.
During scanning, the hacker has vision to get information about network an hosts which are connected to that network that can help hackers to determine which type of exploit to use in hacking a system precisely. Information such as an IP addresses, operating system, services, and installed applications.

Scanning is the methodology used to detect the system that are alive and respond on the network or not. Ethical hackers use these type of scanning to identify the IP address of target system. Scanning is also used to determine the availability of the system whether it is connected to the network or not.

Types Of Scanning 

Network ScanningIdentifies IP addresses on a given network or subnet
Port ScanningDetermines open, close, filtered and unfiltered ports and services
Vulnerability ScannerDetect the vulnerability on the target system

Port Scanning ​

Port scanning is the process of identifying open and available TCP/IP ports on a system. Port-scanning tools enable a hacker to learn about the services available on a given system. Each service or application on a machine is associated with a well-known port number. Port Numbers are divided into three ranges:
  • Well-Known Ports: 0-1023
  • Registered Ports: 1024-49151
  • Dynamic Ports: 49152-6553

Network Scanning

Network scanning is performed for the detection of active hosts on a network either you wanna attack them or as a network administrator. Network-scanning tools attempt to identify all the live or responding hosts on the network and their corresponding IP addresses. Hosts are identified by their individual IP addresses.

Vulnerability Scanning

This methodology is used to detect vulnerabilities of computer systems on a network. A vulnerability scanner typically identifies the operating system and version number, including applications that are installed. After that the scanner will try to detect vulnerabilities and weakness in the operating system. During the later attack phase, a hacker can exploit those weaknesses in order to gain access to the system. Moreover, the vulnerability scanner can be detected as well, because the scanner must interact over the network with target machine.

The CEH Scanning Methodology

As a CEH, you should understand the methodology about scanning presented in the figure below. Because this is the actual need of hackers to perform further attacks after the information about network and hosts which are connected to the network. It detects the vulnerabilities in the system bu which hackers can be accessible to that system by exploitation of that vulnerabilities.

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Linux Command Line Hackery Series: Part 2

Welcome back to Linux Command Line Hackery, yes this is Part 2 and today we are going to learn some new skills. Let's rock

Let us first recap what we did in Part 1, if you are not sure what the following commands do then you should read Part 1.

mkdir myfiles                                                # make a directory (folder) with myfiles as name
cd myfiles                                                      # navigate to myfiles folder
touch file1 file2 file3                                    # create three empty files file1file2file3
ls -l                                                                   # view contents of current directory
echo This is file1 > file1                               # write a line of text to file1
cat file1                                                           # display contents of file1
echo This is another line in file1 >> file1    # append another line of text to file1
cat file1                                                          # display the modified content of file1

Command:  cp
Syntax:        cp source1 [source2 ...] destination
Function:     cp stands for copy. cp is used to copy a file from source to destination. Some important flags are mentioned below
Flags:          -r copy directories recursively
                     -f if an existing destination file cannot be opened, remove it and try  again

Let us make a copy of file1 using the new cp command:

cp file1 file1.bak

what this command is going to do is simply copy file1 to another file named file1.bak. You can name the destination file anything you want.
Say, you have to copy file1 to a different folder maybe to home directory how can we do that? well we can do that like this:

cp file /home/user/

I've used the absolute path here you can use whatever you like.
[Trick: ~ has a special meaning, it stands for logged in user's directory. You could have written previous command simply as
cp file1 ~/
and it would have done the same thing.]
Now you want to create a new directory in myfiles directory with the name backup and store all files of myfiles directory in the backup directory. Let's try it:

mkdir backup
cp file1 file2 file3 backup/

this command will copy file1 file2 file3 to backup directory.
We can copy multiple files using cp by specifying the directory to which files must be copied at the end.
We can also copy whole directory and all files and sub-directories in a directory using cp. In order to make a backup copy of myfiles directory and all of it's contents we will type:

cd ..                                           # navigate to previous directory
cp -r myfiles myfiles.bak       # recursively copy all contents of myfiles directory to myfiles.bak directory

This command will copy myfiles directory to myfiles.bak directory including all files and sub-directories

Command: mv
Syntax:       mv source1 [source2 ...] destination
Function:    mv stands for move. It is used for moving files from one place to another (cut/paste in GUI) and also for renaming the files.

If we want to rename our file1 to  file1.old in our myfiles folder we'll do the follow:

cd myfiles                                      # navigate first to myfiles folder
mv file1 file1.old

this command will rename the file1 to file1.old (it really has got so old now). Now say we want to create a new file1 file in our myfiles folder and move the file1.old file to our backup folder:

mv file1.old backup/                    # move (cut/paste) the file1.old file to backup directory
touch file1                                    # create a new file called file1
echo New file1 here > file1         # echo some content into file1

Command:  rmdir
Syntax: rmdir directory_name
Function: rmdir stands for remove directory. It is used for removing empty directories.

Let's create an empty directory in our myfiles directory called 'garbage' and then remove it using rmdir:

mkdir garbage
rmdir  garbage

Good practice keep it doing. (*_*)
But wait a second, I said empty directory! does it mean I cannot delete a directory which has contents in it (files and sub-directories) with rmdir? Yes!, you cannot do that with rmdir
So how am I gonna do that, well keep reading...

Command:  rm
Syntax:        rm FILE...
Function:     rm stands for remove. It is used to remove files and directories. Some of it's important flags are enlisted below.
Flags:          -r remove directories and their contents recursively
                     -f ignore nonexistent files and arguments, never prompt

Now let's say we want to delete the file file1.old in backup folder. Here is how we will do that:

rm backup/file1.old                # using relative path here

Boom! the file is gone. Keep in mind one thing when using rm "IT IS DESTRUCTIVE!". No I'm not yelling at you, I'm just warning you that when you use rm to delete a file it doesn't go to Trash (or Recycle Bin). Rather it is deleted and you cannot get it back (unless you use some special tools quickly). So don't try this at home. I'm just kidding but yes try it cautiously otherwise you are going to loose something important.

Did You said that we can delete directory as well with rm? Yes!, I did. You can delete a directory and all of it's contents with rm by just typing:

rm -r directory_name

Maybe we want to delete backup directory from our myfiles directory, just do this:

rm -r backup

And it is gone now.
Remember what I said about rm, use it with cautious and use rm -r more cautiously (believe me it costs a lot). -r flag will remove not just the files in directory it will also remove any sub-directories in that directory and there respective contents as well.

That is it for this article. I've said that I'll make each article short so that It can be learned quickly and remembered for longer time. I don't wanna bore you.

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How To Control Android Phone From Another Phone Remotely

How to control Android phone From another phone Remotely

If you wish to remotely control Android phone from another phone, then you have come to the right place. It might sound surprising, but now you can easily control Android from Android by using the right kinds of applications. This can let you keep a strict eye on your kids, spouse, or anyone else remotely. In this informative post, we will make you familiar with different Android to Android remote control apps. Also, we will provide a stepwise solution to use an Android tracking app as well. Let's uncover them by taking one step at a time.

Control Android Phone from Another Phone Remotely

There could be numerous reasons to control Android from Android remotely. In most of the cases, it is used by professionals to access a device over the air. Also, parents like to use an Android to Android remote control at times to get a complete access to their kid's smartphones. Sometimes, it can help us transfer files from one device to another. You can also use it to access your partner's or employee's phone at the time of needs too. In the next section, we will let you know how to remotely control Android phone from another phone.

Control android from another android

How to remotely control Android phone from another phone?

There are different readily available applications that can be used to remotely control Android phone from another phone. We have picked the 3 best tools here.

1. TeamViewer for Remote Control

TeamViewer is one of the most widely known solutions that can provide a remote access to computer and smartphone remotely. It has a dedicated solution for Android as well that can perform the same function without any trouble. You can try its free version and later buy the premium subscription if you wish to.

  • Smart screen sharing with a complete control of the device
  • Control Android from Android by bypassing a security access (a one-time code should be matched).
  • 256 Bit AES session encoding and 2048 Bit RSA key exchange supported for advanced security
  • File transfer is also supported

Compatibility; Android 4.0 and later versions

Get it here >>

Control android from android - TeamViewer for Remote Control

2. RemoDroid

RemoDroid is another smart and lightweight Android to Android remote control that you can use. Besides controlling an Android phone, you can also use this tool to control a TV and other smart devices from your Android device as well.

  • Easy screen sharing provision
  • You can remotely control Android phone from another phone and other smart devices (like a TV)
  • It supports screen sharing between multiple users
  • Password protected and supports one-time authentication
  • Advanced features require root access

Compatibility: Android 4.0 and up

Get it here >>

Control android from android - RemoDroid

3. Inkwire Screen Share and Assist

Inkwire is a highly useful app that every Android user should have installed on their device. This freely available tool can let you share your screen with another user. After sharing the screen, you can provide assistance by marking the screen as well. It is particularly used by users to guide other how to use a certain feature on the device.

  • Once connected, you can easily draw on the screen and guide the other user on a real-time basis.
  • It is extensively used to provide customer support for Android apps.
  • Voice chat option is also included

Compatibility: Android 5.0 and later versions

Get it here >>

Control android from android - Inkwire Screen Share and Assist


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An Android remote administration tool (RAT) is a programmed tool that allows a remote device to control a smartphone as if they have physical access to that system. While screen sharing and remote administration have many legal uses, "RAT" software is usually associated with the unauthorized or malicious activity. I have streamlined here top android hacking tools of 2018.


Here are the most advanced in functionality top android hacking tools of 2018.


DroidJack gives you the power to establish control over your beloveds' Android devices with an easy to use GUI and all the features you need to monitor them. It has many advanced features that you can perform over the remote smartphone. DroidJack is one of the top lists as it also has the functionality to read/write WhatsApp messages.

You can also follow a step by step tutorial on how to hack smartphone remotely using droidjack.


OmniRAT is the super powerful multi-OS remote administration tool that can a smartphone either using a smartphone or using a Windows or Mac PC. It has a huge list of features that make it very powerful. It can make calls through that smartphone remotely. It's completely fully undetectable.


AndroRat is a client/server application developed in Java Android for the client side and in Java/Swing for the Server. The name AndroRat is a mix of Android and RAT (Remote Access Tool). It was developed as a project by the university students, which works great for hacking into Android devices.

You can also follow a step by step tutorial on how to hacking a smartphone remotely using androrat.


SpyNote is a lightweight Android remote administration tool (RAT) to hack into a smartphone device remotely. It gives you the power to establish control over Android devices with an easy to use GUI and all the features you need to monitor them. Build a custom APK or bind the payload to an already existing APK such as a game or social media app.

You can also follow a step by step tutorial on how to hack any android phone remotely with spynote.


AhMyth is a powerful android remote administrator tool that gives you the power to establish control over your beloveds' android devices with an easy to use GUI and all the features you need to monitor them.

These are all the top android hacking tools of 2018. There are also many other rats but these are the most advanced in tech and features. There may appear few more that can compete these and make a place to be in the top android list.

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Ettercap: Man In The Middle (MITM)

"Ettercap is a suite for man in the middle attacks on LAN. It features sniffing of live connections, content filtering on the fly and many other interesting tricks. It supports active and passive dissection of many protocols (even ciphered ones) and includes many feature for network and host analysis." read more...

Website: http://ettercap.sourceforge.net

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Trendnet Cameras - I Always Feel Like Somebody'S Watching Me.

Firstly this post requires the following song to be playing.

Now that we got that out of the way... I have been seeing posts on sites with people having fun with embedded systems/devices and I was feeling left out. I didn't really want to go out and buy a device so I looked at what was laying around. 

To start off the latest firmware for this device can be found at the following location :

First order of business was to update the camera with the most recent firmware:
Device info page confirming firmware version
Now that the device was using the same version of firmware as I was going to dive into, lets get to work. I will be using binwalk to fingerprint file headers that exist inside the firmware file. Binwalk can be downloaded from the following url: http://code.google.com/p/binwalk/

Running binwalk against the firmware file 
binwalk FW_TV-IP110W_1.1.0-104_20110325_r1006.pck 
32320     0x7E40     gzip compressed data, from Unix, last modified: Thu Mar 24 22:59:08 2011, max compression
679136     0xA5CE0   gzip compressed data, was "rootfs", from Unix, last modified: Thu Mar 24 22:59:09 2011, max compression
Looks like there are two gzip files in the "pck" file. Lets carve them out using 'dd'. First cut the head off the file and save it off as '1_unk'
#dd if=FW_TV-IP110W_1.1.0-104_20110325_r1006.pck of=1_unk bs=1 count=32320
32320+0 records in
32320+0 records out
32320 bytes (32 kB) copied, 0.167867 s, 193 kB/s
Next cut out the first gzip file that was identified, we will call this file '2'
#dd if=FW_TV-IP110W_1.1.0-104_20110325_r1006.pck of=2 bs=1 skip=32320 count=646816
646816+0 records in
646816+0 records out
646816 bytes (647 kB) copied, 2.87656 s, 225 kB/s
Finally cut the last part of the file out that was identified as being a gzip file, call this file '3'
#dd if=FW_TV-IP110W_1.1.0-104_20110325_r1006.pck of=3 bs=1 skip=679136
2008256+0 records in
2008256+0 records out
2008256 bytes (2.0 MB) copied, 8.84203 s, 227 kB/s
For this post I am going to ignore files '1_unk' and '2' and just concentrate on file '3' as it contains an interesting bug :) Make a copy of the file '3' and extract it using gunzip
#file 3
3: gzip compressed data, was "rootfs", from Unix, last modified: Thu Mar 24 22:59:09 2011, max compression
#cp 3 3z.gz
#gunzip 3z.gz
gzip: 3z.gz: decompression OK, trailing garbage ignored
#file 3z
3z: Minix filesystem, 30 char names
As we can see the file '3' was a compressed Minix file system. Lets mount it and take a look around.
#mkdir cameraFS
#sudo mount -o loop -t minix 3z cameraFS/
#cd cameraFS/
bin  dev  etc  lib  linuxrc  mnt  proc  sbin  server  tmp  usr  var
There is all sorts of interesting stuff in the "/server" directory but we are going to zero in on a specific directory "/server/cgi-bin/anony/"
#cd server/cgi-bin/anony/
jpgview.htm  mjpeg.cgi  mjpg.cgi  view2.cgi
The "cgi-bin" directory is mapped to the root directory of http server of the camera, knowing this we can make a request to and surprisingly we get a live stream from the camera. 

video stream. giving no fucks.

Now at first I am thinking, well the directory is named "anony" that means anonymous so this must be something that is enabled in the settings that we can disable.... Looking at the configuration screen you can see where users can be configured to access the camera. The following screen shows the users I have configured (user, guest)
Users configured with passwords.

Still after setting up users with passwords the camera is more than happy to let me view its video stream by making our previous request. There does not appear to be a way to disable access to the video stream, I can't really believe this is something that is intended by the manufacturer. Lets see who is out there :)

Because the web server requires authentication to access it (normally) we can use this information to fingerprint the camera easily. We can use the realm of 'netcam' to conduct our searches 
HTTP Auth with 'netcam' realm
Hopping on over to Shodan (http://www.shodanhq.com) we can search for 'netcam' and see if there is anyone out there for us to watch
9,500 results
If we check a few we can see this is limited to only those results with the realm of 'netcam' and not 'Netcam'
creepy hole in the wall

front doors to some business
Doing this manually is boring and tedious, wouldn't it be great if we could automagically walk through all 9,500 results and log the 'good' hosts.... http://consolecowboys.org/scripts/camscan.py

This python script requires the shodan api libs http://docs.shodanhq.com/ and an API key. It will crawl the shodan results and check if the device is vulnerable and log it. The only caveat here is that the shodan api.py file needs to be edited to allow for including result page offsets. I have highlighted the required changes below.
    def search(self, query,page=1):
        """Search the SHODAN database.
        query    -- search query; identical syntax to the website
        page     -- page number of results      

        A dictionary with 3 main items: matches, countries and total.
        Visit the website for more detailed information.
        return self._request('search', {'q': query,'page':page})

Last I ran this there was something like 350 vulnerable devices that were available via shodan. Enjoy.

Update: We are in no way associated with the @TRENDnetExposed twitter account.

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Ethical Hacking Platform For Penetration Testing | How To Hack The Invite Code: Join Hack The Box (HTB)

Hack The Box

Hack The Box (HTB) is a free platform available to ethical hackers to do a penetration testing for ethical hacking projects. It consist of different type of challenges that are updated constantly. Some of the challenges related to the real world scenarios and rest of the challenges related to learning towards a CTF style of challenges.
Before joining to HTB, there is a simple task for you to prove your skills after that you'll able to create an account, and then you'll be able to access to your HTB Lab, where several challenges await for you to hack them. That's the beginning step for all of us to joining this. If you got success while hacking then you'll get points.

Task For Joining The HTB

Before joining the HTB, there is a task to hack invite code and paste that code in the code box for further registration to your account. You can complete a simple challenge to prove your skills, if you don't hack that then here is a short video below this content about hacking the invite code. Watch the video and hack the code!

In this Video you'll learn about How to join Hack the box (HTB) in Kali Linux and other Linux Distributions.